Photo Gallery
The originals of the photos that were part of Stormé's personal collection (they're marked as such) are now part of The Stormé DeLarverié Collection at the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, New York Public Library.

Stormé's Senior High School Photo, 1942
From scan of the 1942 High School Yearbook for her school
Stormy Dale, c 1946-1949
Here are the three Bloom Chicago publicity photos (two of which may only exist as newspaper clippings now) and some clippings mentioning Stormy Dale.
The Bloom Chicago photos were from 1946 or earlier (her family had at least one in late December/early Jan 1947.
The earliest print reference I can find with the name Stormy Dale is just after that, in Feb 1947. The latest that I've found (that's not a reminiscence) is Oct 1949.
That doesn't mean she only used the names those years, just that those are the only clippings I've yet found.

Photos From the Scrapbook of Nancy Terry
The two headshots were probably taken between the time of the Stormy Dale photos and the time Stormé started with the Jewel Box Revue. Thank you to Brooke of CampBooks for allowing me to use her scans!

Jewel Box Revue Promotional Photos
from the personal collection of Stormé DeLarverié

Avery Willard photos
from the personal collection of Stormé DeLarverié

Stormé at the Chelsea Hotel
© Rita Barros and used with her generous permission.
This photo was part of Stormé's personal collection.
Stormé at the Cubby Hole
Credit: JEB (Joan E. Biren) @jebmedia and used with permission

Stormé & Michelle Parkerson in the lobby of the Chelsea Hotel, 1986
Credit: JEB (Joan E. Biren) @jebmedia and used with permission
This was taken during the filming of Stormé: Lady of the Jewel Box
Photo by Robert Giard, Copyright Estate of Robert Giard
used with Permission

Stormé at the opening of the LHA exhibit "Keepin’ On: Images of African American Lesbians from the Lesbian Herstory Archives" at the NYC Lesbian and Gay Community Services Center, 1991.
Photo by Morgan Gwenwald & used with permission
Storme in the Stonewall Veterans Car at NYC Gay Pride MarchJune 25, 1995
Photo by Morgan Gwenwald & used with permission

Storme's birthday, Dec 24, 2013.
Photo by Robert West & used with permission.
(Other residents in the photo were blurred out for privacy)